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Little Joey

I decided they needed there own page. Please start by click the little Button here that will take you to the bottom of the page.  Then scroll up as you read or look through our pics.

Well a forum I am new to just told me....Joey is a dominant pied single factor green. That's why cere is pink and blue. The pied sometimes effects the cere.    In case you are interested in the name of the forum here is the address / url to it.   Just called Parakeets.  It is on FaceBook  just copy and past.   Later when more time I will try and make this a clickable url.

Well Mom got smart and went to YouTube to learn more about making me happy.  Lots of training videos, but most of them are done by kids using already trained Parakeets.  Not a good way to teach someone how we really will re act.  But then she found a good one.  She is going to include a link here so maybe you can learn something from it too.


What is so awesome about this video is the lady actually uses a brand new Budgie to her home.  So he is like me.  Stubborn and scared.


The Name of the Video is

" Best Bird Taming Video EVER Part 1"

by Deli S

Just click this button to take you there......>>

Hello my name is Joey sometimes known as little Joey because in the home I live at is a Human Boy Named Joey.  He though is 24 years old.   Mom thought it would be funny to name me Joey too.  She plans to teach me to say Joey I said No.   But for now we are working on Hello and Hello Joey.  I haven't decided if I am going to talk or not.  But time will tell.  Just depends on how I feel.  Right now I am not to happy because I have only lived here a few days and Mom took me out of my cage.  I sure hope I taught her a lesson because I bit her as hard as I could and I kept bitting her.  She thought she could shift me to the other hand and I would be good. Ha Ha boy did I teach her she was wrong.  I bit that hand and fingers too.

12 November 2015

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