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Cards I Have Made

I wanted to make a page to share the cards that I have hand stamped and made.  We all like a variety of companies and I'm not any different.  So have fun looking at my mixture of different designs and techniques.

This one is made using our stamps.  Check out the home page to see what we have.

I love stained glass  so I took lots of my scrap paper and designed this and many other cards.

I made lots of cards cutting the top half from envelopes.  I just love recycling postage stamps.

Pots is from a wall paper book that i cut to the shape of a plants pot.

These are both made with an atc in the middle

These are both made with stickers.  I first made the one on the left with the actual sticker. Then instead of throwing the left over away I cut around the image and made another card.

Using up scraps

These are some book marks

I have made

These are both made from recycled Christmas Cards

My very first step cards.  These are so much funto make.  But I will give you a tip.  Once you make your first one it is easier and much faster if you make 2 at a time.

And for some of my Iris Folded cards.  I love using up my scraps making these.  I use strips of scrap card stock.  I do not fold them in half.

These are both made using stamps from Fun Stampers Journey.  Never heard of them??? Check out the newest catalog.

These are some Baby shower Cards I made.  

These are from a Stampin Up Work Shop that I went to.  Want to see other stamps by Stampin Up just go to look for a demonstrator in your area under locator. 

 Copyright © 2000-2024 Creative Crafts and Supplyz.  All rights reserved.

 Copyright © 2000-2024 Creative Crafts n Supplyz.  All rights reserved.

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