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Directions to Simple Cards Techniques


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 1- Explosion Cards

2- Grid Card Technique

3- Water Fall Card

Explosion Cards

Explosion Card Instructions
By Mickey Jo aka Mousey Mom

Explosion Card Directions ---Ok this is kind of hard to explain. But if you follow the step one at a time and do each one of them as soon as you read it.  You will catch on pretty fast.

First get up and go get a couple pieces of computer paper.

Cut them into squares of 8\'94 x 8\'94.

Fold them in half from Top to bottom.

Fold then back wards on the very same fold. (Same line)

Now fold them corner to corner. Crease the fold. 

On the same fold line, fold it back wards from corner to corner. The reason you fold it front wards then back wards on the same fold line is so that it springs open very easily when someone opens your card.

Next fold from corner to corner on the opposite corners. 

Then back wards same line.

Now place your paper in front of you so that the VERY FIRST fold line that you made is horizontal. Meaning pointing Left and Right. Ok Now this is where it gets hard. So follow each step closely.

Using thumbs and fingers on both of your hands. Pick up the piece of paper. Meet two
sides together of the Line making them touch. DO NOT CREASE.

Hold them together with your left hand. Now you have a sort of 2 pocket looking funnel pouch. OK Keeping your line Horizontal still, and taking your right hand, put thumb and finger like making a duck quack. grin   Should we practice that. grin Ok ok----Place them on the smooth part of the paper. Near the formed point. Push
them together forming a cone shaped like a V.

Flatten the shape out like that. 

Now take your left and right points of the and fold them in to the middle. Turn and do the same with the back side. Cause there are 4 points. Fold them all in to the center. 

Now remember we have to make those folds move easy. So fold them again the opposite way.

Now fold them back out in the V shape. Taking the points again. Push them to the middle forming a V on each end. Crease your lines. 

Now Trim the TOP edge with scissors to fit in side your card.  Check to make sure that you cut it short enough. 

Now you are ready to stamp on it. Before stamping. Look at how mine is place in the card.  Place yours on the table as if you were placing it inside a card. So that you don't stamp words upside down. You Need to watch what you are doing. Now to place it inside of your card. 

***You need to make sure that you don't place the point to close to the inside fold of your card. Or The recipient won't be able to open the card up very far. Glue or use double sided tape on the edge that will go on the back inside edge first.  Glancing inside again to make sure your words are upright. Place it where you want it. Then
tape or glue the top side. Shut the card. All done. Now wasn't that easy. grin Hope it was.
Hugs Mickey

Retriform Grid Card Technique

Ok I promised I would give my directions on how to do the Retriform / Grid card Technique in easy steps. I asked that you go out and purchase the BIG White Oval shaped sponge that is sold at Wal-Mart in the bath and beauty section.

Cut into 8 pieces 

So let's begin.

First off you will need at least 4 different shades of ink pads. Dye Ink Please. Pick ones that look good together.

Next get a cream card folded and a white card folded.

Why one of each? Well this way you will see which one you like better. Or might like them both.

Ok now you will need at least 5 images. Maybe 6. 

I will suggest if you have say a bible verse choose it for the center. I stamped mine in Rose colored pad, then stamped a Bumble bee over top of it in More Mustard by SU.

** no I do not sell Stampin Up, just love there pads.**

Ok Once you stamp your middle (words or one image only)

Get an envelope or sheet of paper. I use one of my ready to throw out envelopes. You know one that a bill came in. grin.

Now choose your first color. How about the lightest one.

Lay your envelope on top of your stamped image so that you JUST COVER the right edge of it.

Now you will either sponge or swipe your first color on.

SPONGING....Dab sponge to dye ink pad 3 times then in one area dab 3 times. Continue this until the wholes side of the card you are coloring in is covered.

SWIPING....Dab your sponge in the Dye in 2 or 3 times.  Now placing your Sponge on the envelope about one inch in toward the middle from the side you are using. Lay Sponge down, and swipe outward toward the card edge you want to shade. Go down the edge with out re inking sponge until it is needed to be done.

Ok there is both techniques, you decide which one you want to do. Or how about doing one on the cream, and the other on the White CS. I love them both. Swiping though gives a feathery look.

Now time to use DYe INK COLOR # 2. Turn your card so that
you are now working on the TOP edge. Cover your image, again making sure you just barely cover the top edge of  the image. Swipe or Sponge on the 2nd color in the same manner as told above. All the way from one edge to the other, covering the 1st color chosen.

Then turn the card so that you are now ready to shade in the folded edge of the card with color #3. Repeat as above.

Next is the bottom. Using Color # 4.

Ok you can stop right there and be done with the sponging or shading....depending on which one you chose. OR you can
do one of the 2 following ideas.

Face Card back upright as if you had just received it and were viewing it. Now which ever color you chose for the left side (the one on the fold) you will use this one again.

Dab the Sponge on the pad 2 times. Instead of covering the image this time you will cover the shaded area on the bottom of the card. You are going to SWIPE the sponge toward the image stamped in the middle.

Ok that is Example #2. Leave as is. Now if your image is say a bird in the middle, you can leave as is, or color it in. That gives even another method to this card.

Now for the last Example. You can do the Swipe toward the middle all the way around the card. What ever color Dye ink is to the left of the side you want to swipe, is the color you would use to swipe toward the middle.

Ok now taking your 4 other stamps. Stamp one image in each corner. WAIT take a look at your card. If you used say green in the bottom left corner, DO NOT use Green in that same corner, but use it in the TOP RIGHT corner. 

You will do the best job if you take 2 strips of scrap paper.  Cover over everything except for the corner you want to stamp on. Now instead of doing a perfect stamped image right in the middle of that open space, place your stamp so that it goes partly on top of the SCRAP paper. PERFECT. You are doing great.

Now continue around until you have all 4 corners done using the steps I told you above. 

Now if you stamped words in the middle, and want to stamp over it with something. Then you will need 4 scrap pieces of paper. Place them all around so only the middle is showing.  Now STAMP your image partly onto the scraps.

OK you are done. What do you think? Hope you enjoyed my little class. grin.
Mickey Jo in TN

Water Fall Card

Waterfall  - Pull Card Directions    ( Missing Photos at this time)

    Supplies: Neutral Car Stock (CS)   9" x 2 1/2 "  (This will be referred to as pull strip.)


Same Neutral CS    2" x 2 1/4 " ( make four of these)


CS to matte behind Neutral pieces  2 1/2" x 2 1/4 " (make four of these)


Card Base   5 1/2" x 4 1/4 "


Layer for top of base   5 1/4 " x 4"


Strip same color as layer   4" x 3/4 "


Two Brads or eyelets Ribbon or cord (optional)


Beads and super sticky tape (optional)  


1- You have a card base ( 4 1/4 " x 5 1/2 ") and a layer to go on top of that ( 4 x 5 1/4 ").  Now is the time to stamp these if you wish.   2-  Attach layer to card base.  

3-Place strip 2 inches from the bottom of the card and attach through ALL layers with eyelets or brads. (DO NOT use Adhesive.)   (See Photo Class _1)  

4- Score your long pull strip at 1 1/2, 2 1/4, 3 3/4.  Now fold along all of the score lines.  With the pull strip vertically, you will have a long portion that has no fold lines at the bottom and the top will have 4 fold/score lines.   (See Photo  class_2)  

5- Insert the long portion under the horizontal strip and fold the top part over. . Adhere only the first section to the strip.  You will need to see the photo for this step to make sense.   (See Photo class_3)  

6-  Stamp images on your four pieces of neutral card stock (bead if you want) and layer onto their mattes.  

7-  Now you are ready to assemble your four stamped images to your pull strip.  

8-  Put adhesive on the bottom section of the pull strip that is attached to the horizontal strip, and adhere your stamped image just below the fold line.       (See Photo calss_4)  

9-  Put adhesive on the third section and adhere your stamped image just below the fold line.   (See photo 5)  

10-  Repeat for the last two images.   (See photos class_6 & class_7)  

11-  Using a rectangle punch, punch the bottom of your pull strip and insert ribbon.   (See photo Class_8)  

12-  Pull your strip and watch the magic unfold !  Cool, huh?!  Now, with your strip pulled down all the way, stamp a greeting.  Push the strip up and the greeting disappears.   (See photo Class_9)   I hope my instructions weren't to complicated and I hope you guys had as much fun as I did!  Lesley Clark shared this with the list. 

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