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Star Album Instructions

"These Star albums instructions are a great, glad I found them"


Star albums are awesome mini albums that open up into a star shape that you can open and display anywhere in your home. If you add a ribbon closure to hold it into position (open) it will sit up to display the work you have done on the inside so that others entering your home or office can see it and enjoy looking at it just as much as you did while making it.   They are a lot of fun to make (I've been told when I received mine as a gift from a friend) and she said Only the main pages need be fresh card stock.  Some of your scraps and left over embellishments that came with other kits can be added to make a beautiful complete piece to display.


  • 6 pieces of cardstock measuring 11½" x 5¾"

  • 6 pieces of cardstock, wall paper or patterned paper measuring 9" x 5¾"

  • 6 pieces of cardstock, wall paper or patterned paper measuring 8" x 5¾"

  • 2 pieces of cardstock or thin cardboard like from a cereal box measuring 5½ x 5½ (front and back cover)

  • 2 lengths of ribbon to tie shut or open into a star shape off 

  • Paper trimmer or craft knife and metal ruler

  • bone folder (i use the side of one of my acrylic stamping blocks)

  • Adhesive

  • Embellishments

1.  Trim 6 sets of the 3 pieces to the left then fold each piece in half as shown in the diagram

2.  Decorate the Front pages with pictures, any kind of embellishments etc. until you get the desired look you want to acheive.

4. Carefully attach the middle page to the back page as shown in picture to the left.

3. Once your pages are Decorated start to assemble the album. Run some pieces of wide double side tape along the two sides of the back page.

5. Repeat for each set.

6. Now repeat 3 through 5 from the above directions, this time sticking the front pages to the middle pages.

7.  Once you have assembled all 6, attach each set to each other one set at a time using strong wide (1/2") tape.

Make sure you DO NOT stick the Front cover to the Back cover.

8. Once you have assembled all 6 sets , your next step is to trim 2 pieces of cardstock, or card board that you will need to cover for the front and back cover panels and decorate each panel as desired.

9.  attach one length of ribbon to the front cover so that it is hanging over the edge. attach the Front cover panel to the front cover securing the ribbon in place.

Repeat for the back cover

Done. Your finished album should look something like this.



  • Experiment a little. You can try embellishing the middle pieces as well as the front pieces.

  • Use only the back and middle pieces if you are short on paper.

Front and back cover of the star mini book. Notice the ribbon ties to hold the book closed will also tie together when the album is completely open.


Space for some basic stats on the left: name, weight, birth stone, etc.     ------->>

Angel photo mats. You can see the capital R (in precious) and E (in angel)


H (in cHerish) and U (in cUte)


A (in Adorable)

For another sample follow the following link


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